Monday, August 12, 2013

Farewell Gisborne

Oops I did it again, but because my holidays are almost over, I suppose I should try to remember how to get some work done! My last week of work ended on July 26th and then I left for the South Island. But I'm getting ahead of myself,  I had a last great two weeks in Gizzy which included quite a few goodbyes and 'lasts', until I return of course… I said goodbye to my co-workers at a lovely work lunch where they gave me a fantastic greenstone necklace, a beautiful bracelet and a warm send off - they were a great bunch to work with, I learned a lot and had a blast! I also had my last venture to the Fishing Club, but only had to say good-bye to the place, as all my friends from there came to my birthday party later. We had a super fun birthday party with pulled pork and lots of other delicious treats and an amazing carrot birthday cake. Thanks to all my friends who came and for all the great times we had in Gizzy!!

On my actual birth day anniversary, I went to work and to the last Mercantile Badminton night of the season. At work, I brought in 'my shout' treat of pumpkin pie. Pumpkins are eaten here almost exclusively as a savoury dish, and the idea of pumpkin pie caused quite a bit of worry for a few of my coworkers…. until they tasted it of course :) Badminton that evening was great fun! My team won two games and lost two for our last night but had a great time as we always do! At the small 'prize giving' end-of-year ceremonies, all the other players sang Happy Birthday for me - awww.  After all my goodbyes and three months of bliss, I left dear Gisborne. I'm definitely going to miss that place and the wonderful, warm, friendly people but I'll just have to take all the great lessons I learned and my wonderful experiences back to Canada. Maybe someday I'll even blog some of my 'Gisborne' reflections.

A sign well said.

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