Ahh, I'm so glad I
saved my day in Tekapo for last, as, even though every mountain is beautiful,
I'm convinced the ones around Lake Tekapo were the best, highest and snowiest.
I took the bus here in the morning and boy oh boy was it a beautiful drive. It
was all through mountain country as the bus worked its way through a pass in
the Southern Alps. We passed Mt. Cook, many, many more mountains and gorgeous
tussock country - home of the hardy Merino sheep. The country reminded me of
the mountains in Lord of the Rings sooo many times, and I expected to see the
crazy woods wizard racing across the Tussock country with his Ragadast rabbits
being chased by Wargs at any moment.
I finally arrived in Lake Tekapo itself and ahhhh, gorgeous! The town is next to a large, very glacially blue glacier/snow melt lake, and it reflected the mountains to great effect. I climbed up Mt. John for a full view of the area, and it was beautiful (surprise, surprise). The area was incredible, and I think I'm just going to have to post a few pictures, stop the description, and recommend you go there yourself! Along my trek, one highlight was a incredibly musical bird song - possibly one of the most beautiful and exquisitely musical things I have ever heard.
Merino country
I finally arrived in Lake Tekapo itself and ahhhh, gorgeous! The town is next to a large, very glacially blue glacier/snow melt lake, and it reflected the mountains to great effect. I climbed up Mt. John for a full view of the area, and it was beautiful (surprise, surprise). The area was incredible, and I think I'm just going to have to post a few pictures, stop the description, and recommend you go there yourself! Along my trek, one highlight was a incredibly musical bird song - possibly one of the most beautiful and exquisitely musical things I have ever heard.
Pure beauty
The town of Lake
Tekapo was also lovely, and very tiny with highlights being the other amusing
tourists, a lovely old Church of the Good Sheppard, and sheepdog statue. The
church was along the side of the lake, and was beautifully set amongst the
mountains. The statue was in recognition of the contribution the sheepdog has
made to the farmers in the area and was a lovely tribute.
Well that’s all for
now folks! The next day, I bussed into Christchurch, and planed to Auckland. My
lovely hosts picked me up (yayyyy), and we went to their son's house where they
had been baby sitting their granddaughter while their son and daughter in law
visited… Canada! I repacked my bag and somehow actually managed to fit most of
my things in my bag. Ahh, what a great trip! Friendly Kiwis, a wonderful new
second family, great travel buddies and acquaintances, really good work
experience, spectacular scenery, near perfect weather and lots of those moments
where I just had to sit back and say wow - what a fantastic summer/winter. I
definitely hope to be back some day, but for now I'm content to head home. I
boarded the plane in Auckland, 13.5h later ended up in Vancouver, Vancouver to
Toronto (destination confirmation pending), and then home.
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